Agricola, B.; Bierwisch, C.; Palm, F.; Jägle, E. A.; Kerschenlohr, A., Parameter study of an Al–Cr–Mo–Sc–Zr alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion reaching high build rates, Progress in Additive Manufacturing (2024) 12 Seiten Link
Bierwisch, C.; Dietemann, B.; Najuch, T., Particle‑based modelling of laser powder bed fusion of metals with emphasis on the melting mode transition, Granular Matter 26 (2024) Art. 71, 19 Seiten Link
Bierwisch, C., Particle level simulations in magnetorheological suspensions, Magnetic Soft Matter: Fundamentals and Applications; Soft Matter Series No. 18; de Vicente, Juan (Ed.); The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023, London, UK (2023) 379-409 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Butz, A.; Dietemann, B.; Najuch, T., Multiphysik-Simulation des Laserpulverbettschmelzens mit mesoskopischen Modellen, Giesserei 9 (2023) 22-27 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Dietemann, B.; Najuch, T., Accurate laser powder bed fusion modelling using ISPH, Proceedings of the 17th SPHERIC International Workshop; Fourtakas, G. (Ed.); University of Manchester, Manchester, UK (2023) 255-26 Link
Dietemann, B.; Najuch, T.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Wessel, A.; Butz, A.; Bierwisch, C., Simulation of the laser powder bed fusion process with a holistic workflow, Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2023; Müller, B. (Hrsg.); Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart (2023) 6 Seiten Link
Grünewald, M.; Baumann, S.; Popp, K.; Lang, M.; Bastian, M.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Bierwisch, C.; Rudloff, J., Analysis of the energy input during the sintering process of polyamide 12, AIP Conference Proceedings 2607/1 - Proc. of 36th Conference of the Polymer Processing Society – PPS36; Aij, A.; Mighri, F.; Nagub, H. E. (Eds.); AIP Publishing, Melville, NY, USA (2023) Art. 120001-1, 5 Seiten Link
Morand, L.; Butz, A.; Bierwisch, C., KI-basierte Vorhersage von Eigenschaften magnetorheologischer Fluide, Konstruktion 75/07-08 (2023) 58-62 Link
Najuch, T.; Bierwisch, C.; Yamauchi, T., Dimensionless unified modelling of macroscale electric properties of conductive fibre networks in different regimes, Materials & Design 232 (2023) Art. 112090, 13 Seiten Link
Schaefer, T. C.; Greive, S.; Bierwisch, C.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Heiland, S.; Kramer, M.; Möhlenbruck, M. A.; Bendszus, M.; Vollherbst, D. F., Iatrogenic air embolism: Influence of air bubble size on cerebral infarctions in an experimental in vivo and numerical simulation model, Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Online First (2023) Art. jnis-2023-020739, 6 Seiten Link
Bierwisch, C.; Butz, A.; Dietemann, B.; Wessel, A.; Najuch, T.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.:, PBF-LB/M multiphysics process simulation from powder to mechanical properties, Procedia CIRP 111 (2022) 37-40 Link
Dietemann, B.; Bierwisch, C., Predicting particle orientation: Is an accurate flow field more important than the actual orientation model?, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 310 (2022) Art. 104927, 12 Seiten Link
Dietemann, B.; Wahl, L.; Travitzky, N.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C., Reorientation of suspended ceramic particles in robocasted green filaments during drying, Materials 15/6 (2022) Art. 2100, 20 Seiten Link
Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Drescher, E.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Teschner, M.; Bierwisch, C., Particle-based numerical simulation study of solid particle erosion of ductile materials leading to an erosion model, including the particle shape effect, Materials 15/1 (2022) Art. 286, 22 Seiten Link
Mohseni-Mofidi S.; Pastewka L.; Teschner, M.; Bierwisch, C., Magnetic-assisted soft abrasive flow machining studied with smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Applied Mathematical Modelling 191 (2022) 38-54 Link
Bierwisch, C., Consistent thermo-capillarity and thermal boundary conditions for single-phase smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Materials 14/10 (2021) Art. 4530, 29 Seiten Link
Bierwisch, C.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Dietemann, B.; Grünewald, M.; Rudloff, J.; Lang, M., Universal process diagrams for laser sintering of polymers, Materials & Design 199 (2021) Art. 109432, 15 Seiten Link
Dietemann, B.; Bosna, F.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C., Assessment of analytical orientation prediction models for suspensions containing fibers and spheres, Journal of Composites Science 5/4 (2021) Art. 107, 18 Seiten Link
Dietemann, B.; Bosna, F.; Lorenz, M.; Travitzky, N.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C., Numerical study of texture in material extrusion: Orientation in a multicomponent system of spheres and ellipsoids, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 291 (2021) Art. 104532 Link
Grünewald, M.; Popp, K.; Rudloff, J.; Lang, M.; Sommereyns, A.; Schmidt, M.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Bierwisch, C., Experimental, numerical and analytical investigation of the polyamide 12 powder bed fusion with the aim of building dimensionless characteristic numbers, Materials & Design 201 (2021) Art. 109470, 11 Seiten Link
Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Bierwisch C., Application of hourglass control to Eulerian smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Computational Particle Mechanics 8/1 (2021) 51-67 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Mohseni-Mofidi, A.; Dietemann, B.; Kraft, T.; Rudloff, J.; Lang, M., Particle-based simulation, dimensional analysis and experimental validation of laser absorption and thermo-viscous flow during sintering of polymers, Procedia CIRP 94 (2020) 74-79 Link
Dietemann, B.; Bosna, F.; Lorenz, M.; Travitzky, N.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C., Modeling robocasting with smoothed particle hydrodynamics: Printing gap-spanning filaments, Additive Manufacturing 36 (2020) Art. 101488 1-9 Link
Dietemann, B.; Kraft, T.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Bierwisch, C., A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics scheme for arbitrarily shaped rigid bodies within highly viscous fluids, Journal of Computational Physics: X 8 (2020) Art. 100068, 25 Seiten Link
Rudloff, J.; Lang, M.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Bierwisch, C., Experimental investigations for improved modelling of the laser sintering process of polymers, Procedia CIRP 94 (2020) 80-84 Link
Lorenz, M.; Dietemann, B.; Wahl, L.; Bierwisch, C.; Kraft, T.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Travitzky, N., Influence of platelet content on the fabrication of colloidal gels for robocasting: Experimental analysis and numerical simulation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (2020) 811-825 Link
Jacquemin, T.; Tomar, S.; Agathos, K.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Bordas, S.P.A., Taylor-series expansion based numerical methods: A primer, performance benchmarking and new approaches for problems with non-smooth solutions, Archives of Comptational Methods in Engineering 27/5 (2020) 1465-1513 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Dietemann, B.; Rudloff, J.; Baumann, S.; Popp, K.; Lang, M., Particle-based simulations and dimensional analysis of selective laser sintering of PA12 powders, II International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing - Sim-AM 2019; Auricchio, F.; Rank, E.; Kollmannsberger, S.; Morganti, S. (Eds.); Artes Gráficas Torres S.L., Cornellà de Llobregat, Spain (2019) 316-327 Link
Bierwisch, C., DEM powder spreading and SPH powder melting models for additive manufacturing process simulations, VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications - PARTICLES 2019; Oñate, E.; Wriggers, P.; Zohdi, T.; Bischoff, M.; Owen, D.R.J. (Eds.); Artes Gráficas Torres S.L., Cornellà de Llobregat, Spain (2019) 434-443 Link
Dietemann, B.; Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C., A scheme for rigid bodies within highly viscous liquids, SPHERIC 2019: Proceedings of the 14th SPHERIC International Workshop 2019; Loren-Aguilar, P.; Bate, M. R.; Rasull, H.; Ali, A.; Wurster, J. (Eds.); University of Exeter, Exeter, UK (2019) 17-23 Link
Bierwisch, C., Numerical simulations of melt pool dynamics in powder-bed additive manufacturing processes, in Proc. of International Congress on Particle Technology - PARTEC 2019; Heinrich, S. (Hrsg.); VDI Wissensforum GmbH, Düsseldorf (2019) 4 Seiten Link
Dietemann, B.; Bierwisch, C; Kraft, T., Additive manufacturing of ceramics: Mobility of ceramic grains during printing, in Proc. of International Congress on Particle Technology - PARTEC 2019; Heinrich, S. (Hrsg.); VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf (2019) 5 Seiten Link
Mohseni Mofidi, S., Bierwisch, C., SPH simulations of magnetorheological abrasive flow machining at a microscopic scale, in Proc. of International Congress on Particle Technology - PARTEC 2019; Heinrich, S. (Hrsg.); VDI Wissensforum GmbH, Düsseldorf (2019) 4 Seiten Link
Schmiedel, C.; Bierwisch, C.; Uhlmann, E.; Menzel, P.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Breinlinger, T.; Nutto, C., Verbundprojekt SmartStream: Intelligente Bearbeitung durch die Verwendung schaltbarer Fluide, Sensitive Fertigungstechnik - Tagungsband der 4. Fachtagung 2017; KombiFin Technologie, Kombinierte Finishtechnologien für die Produkte von Morgen; Goldau, H.; Stolze, R. (Hrsg.); Shaker, Aachen (2019) 8 Seiten Link
Shahrivar, B.; Morillas, J. R.; Luengo, Y.; Gavilan, H.; Morales, P.; Bierwisch, C.; de Vincente, J., Rheological behavior of magnetic colloids in the borderline between ferrofluids and magnetorheological fluids, Journal of Rheology 63/4 (2019) 547-558 Link
Bierwisch, C., A surface tension and wetting model for the δ+-SPH scheme, SPHERIC 2018: Proceedings of the 13th SPHERIC International Workshop 2018; Quinlan, N. J.; Tong, M.; Moghimi, M. H.; McLoone, M. (Eds.); National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (2018) 95-102 Link
Bierwisch, C., Partikelbasierte Simulationen der Schmelz- und Erstarrungsdynamik in Pulverbettverfahren, in Tagungsband DGM-Fachtagung Werkstoffe und Additive Fertigung; Hoyer, P.; Leyens, C.; Niendorf, T.; Ploshikhin, V.; Schulze, V.; Witt, G. (Eds.); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V., Sankt Augustin (2018) 134-139 Link
Han, X.; Courseau, J.; Khamassi, J.; Nottrodt, N.; Engelhardt, S.; Jacobsen, F.; Bierwisch, C.; Meyer, W.; Walter, T.; Weisser, J.; Jaeger, R.; Bibb, R.; Harris, R., Optimized vascular network by stereolithography for tissue engineered skin, International Journal of Bioprinting 4/2 (2018) Art. 134, 17 Seiten Link
Khamassi, J., Untersuchung der Adhäsion von Thrombozyten mittels Partikelsimulation und mikrofluidischer Experimente, Forschungsbericht zur Fluidtechnik, Band 16, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Hrsg.); Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen (2018) 140 Seiten (Dissertation) Link
Adamovic, N.; Asinari, P.; Goldbeck, G.; Hashibon, A.; Hermansson, K .; Hristova-Bogaerds, D.;Koopmans, R.; Verbrugge, T.; Wimmer, E., European Materials Modelling Council, Proc. of 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2017). The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series; Mason, P.; Fisher, C.R.; Glamm, R.; Manuel, M.V.; Schmitz, G.J.; Singh, A.K.; Strachan, A. (Eds.); Springer, Cham (2017) 79-92 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Polfer, P.; Scaling laws for implicit viscosities in smoothed particle hydrodynamics; EPJ Web of Conferences Vol. 140; Proc. of Powders and Grains 2017 - 8th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media; Radjai, F.; Nezamabadi, S.; Luding, S.; Delenne, J.Y. (Eds.) EDP Sciences, Les Ulis; France (2017) 15008 1-4 Link
Rasp, T.; Jamin, C.; Guillon, O.; Kraft, T.; Cracking and shape deformation of cylindrical cavities during constrained sintering; Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37/8 (2017) 2907–2917 Link
Schubert, R.; Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C., Convergence study of the Immersed Domain method for periodic particle configurations, Powder Technology 337 (2017) 104-110 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Schubert, R.; Kraft, T.; Dehning, C.; Discrete and finite element co-simulations; in Proc of International Congress on Particle Technology PARTEC 2016; VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Hrsg.); VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf (2016) 4 Seiten
Breinlinger, T.; Hashibon, A.; Schubert, R.; Kraft, T.; Simulation of die filling for powders with complex rheology; in Proc of International Congress on Particle Technology PARTEC 2016; VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Hrsg.); VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf (2016) 4 Seiten Link
Breinlinger, T.; Kraft, T.; Coupled discrete element and smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of the die filling process; Computational Particle Mechanics 3/4 (2016) 505-511 Link
Hashibon, A.; Breinlinger, T.; Schubert, R.; Kraft, T.; A DEM contact-model for history-dependent powder flows; Computational Particle Mechanics 3/4 (2016) 437-448 Link
Hashibon, A.; Breinlinger, T.; Schubert, R.; Kraft, T.; A new DEM contact-model for simulating die filling for powders with complex rheology; in Proc. of World PM2016; European Powder Metallurgy Association EPMA, Shrewsbury, UK (2016) 6 Seiten Link
Khamassi, J.; Bierwisch, C.; Pelz, P.; Geometry optimization of branchings in vascular networks; Physical Review E 93/6 (2016) 062408 1-10 Link
Polfer, P.; Entwicklung und Anwendung von SPH-Simulationsverfahren zur Untersuchung der Anisotropieentstehung beim Foliengießen; Fraunhofer IWM Forschungsberichte Band 13; Fraunhofer IWM (Hrsg.) Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart (2017) 177 Seiten (Dissertation) Link
Polfer, P.; Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C.; Suspension modeling using smoothed particle hydrodynamics: accuracity of the viscosity furmulation and the suspended body dynamics; Applied Mathematical Modelling 40/4 (2016) 2606-2618 Link
Rasp. T.; Modellierung von Anisotropieentwicklung und Rissausbreitung beim Sintern dünner keramischer Schichten; Fraunhofer IWM Forschungsberichte Band 9; Fraunhofer IWM (Hrsg.) Fraunhofer Verlag Stuttgart (2016) 218 Seiten (Dissertation) Link
Schubert, R.; Yan, Z.; Marigo, M.; Kraft, T.; DEM modelling of powder flow and powder filling during die compaction; in Proc. of International Congress on Particle Technology PARTEC 2016; VDI Wissensforum GmbH; VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf (2016) 4 Seiten Link
Breinlinger, T.; Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden zur Simulation des Trocknens von Suspensionen; Fraunhofer IWM Forschungsberichte Band 5; Fraunhofer IWM (Hrsg.) Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart (2015) 170 Seiten (Dissertation) Link
Breinlinger, T.; Hashibon, A.; Kraft, T.; Simulation of the influence of surface tension on granule morphology during spray drying using a simple capillary force model; Powder Technology 283 (2015) 1-8 Link
Breinlinger, T.; Hashibon, A.; Kraft, T.; Simulation of the spray drying of single granules: The correlation between microscopic forces and granule morphology; Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98/6 (2015) 1778-1786 Link
Dehning, C.; Bierwisch, C.; Kraft, T.; Co-simulations of discrete and finite element codes; Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII; Lecture notes in computational science and engineering 100; Griebel, M.; Schweitzer, M.A. (Eds.); Springer International Publishing, Cham, Schweiz (2015) 61-79 Link
Fu, Z.; Polfer, P.; Kraft, T.; Roosen, A.; Correlation between anisotropic green microstructure of spherical-shaped alumina particles and their shrinkage behavior; Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98/11 (2015) 3438–3444 Link
Fu, Z.; Polfer, P.; Kraft, T.; Roosen, A.; Three-dimensional shrinkage behavior of green tapes derived from spherical-shaped powders: Experimentical studies and numerical simulations; Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35/8 (2015) 2413–2425 Link
Lagger, H.; Breinlinger, T.; Di Renzo, A.; Di Maio, F. P.; Korvink, J.; Moseler, M.; Bierwisch, C.; Influence of hydrodynamic drag model on shear stress in the simulation of magnetorheological fluids; Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 218 (2015) 16-26 Link
Polfer, P.; Breinlinger, T.; Kraft, T.; Simulation of tape casting: Capabilities and potentials; CFI Ceramic Forum International; Berichte der deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft DKG 92/9 (2015) E181-E186 Link
Zellmer, S.; Garnweitner, G.; Breinlinger, T.; Kraft, T.; Schilde, C.; Hierarchical structure formation of nanoparticulate spray-dried composite aggregates; ACS Nano 9/11 (2015) 10749–10757 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Nutto, C.; Lagger, H.; Moseler, M.; Partikelbasierte Simulationen abrasiver Prozesse; in Proc. of Neutrale Interessenvertretung der Anwender numerischer Simulationsmethoden NAFEMS Deutschsprachige Konferenz 2014. Berechnung und Simulation – Anwendungen, Entwicklungen, Trends; NAFEMS GmbH, Bernau am Chiemsee (2014) 198-201
Breinlinger, T.; Kraft, T.; A simple method for simulating the coffee stain effect; Powder Technology 256 (2014) 279-284 Link
Lagger, H.; Particle-based simulation of sheared magnetorheological fluids; Fraunhofer IWM Forschungsberichte Band 3; Fraunhofer IWM (Hrsg.), Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart (2014) 234 Seiten (Dissertation) Link
Lagger, H.; Bierwisch, C.; Korvink, J.G.; Moseler, M.; Discrete element study of viscous flow in magnetorheological fluids; Rheologica Acta 53/5-6 (2014) 417-443 Link
Khamassi, J.; Bierwisch, C.; Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Bestimmen einer Wandschubspannung und System zur Erkennung von Arteriosklerose.
Patent DE 102014222804 A1: 20141107 Link
Wünscher, S.; Rasp, T.; Grouchko, M.; Kamyshny, A.; Paulus, R.M.; Perelaer, J.; Kraft, T.; Magdassi, S.; Schubert, U.S.; Simulation and prediction of the thermal sintering behavior for a silver nanoparticle ink based on experimental input; Journal of materials chemistry. C, Materials for optical and electronic devices 2/31 (2014) 6342-6352 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Moseler, M.; Gola, M.; Numerical study of grain shape in granular lubrication; in Proc. of 5th World Tribology Congress WTC 2013; Raparelli, T. (Ed.); Italian Tribology Association AIT, Turin, Italien (2013) 3216-3129 Link
Breinlinger, T.; Polfer, P.; Hashibon, A.; Kraft, T.; Surface tension and wetting effects with smoothed particle hydrodynamics; Journal of Computational Physics 243 (2013) 14-27 Link
Jamin, C.; Rasp, T.; Kraft, T.; Guillon, O.; Constrained sintering of alumina stripe patterns on rigid substrates: Effect of stripe geometry; Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33/15-16 (2013) 3221-3230 Link
Lagger, H. G.; Bierwisch, C.; Moseler, M.; MRF in a plate-plate magnetorheometer: Numerical insight into the particle-wall interface; Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 412/1 (2013) 012020 1-7 Link
Lagger, H. G.; Bierwisch, C.; Moseler, M.; Gola, M.; Effects of wall roughness on shear stress in a magnetorheological fluid shear cell; in Proc. of 5th World Tribology Congress WTC 2013; Raparelli, T. (Ed.); Italian Tribology Association AIT, Turin, Italien (2013) 3539-3542 Link
Lagger, H.; Bierwisch, C.; Peguiron, J.; Moseler, M.; Partikelbasierte Simulation magnetorheologischer Flüssigkeiten für die Anwendung in Kupplungen; NAFEMS Online-Magazin, und Simulation – Anwendungen, Entwicklungen, Trends 1/25 (2013) 72-79
Nutto, C.; Bierwisch, C.; Lagger, H.; Moseler M.; Gola, M.; Particle-based simulations of abrasive flow machining; in Proc. of 5th World Tribology Congress WTC 2013; Raparelli, T. (Ed.); Italian Tribology Association AIT, Turin, Italien (2013) 3071-3074 Link
Rasp, T.; Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Discrete element study on the influence of initial coordination numbers on sintering behaviour; Scripta Materialia 69/11-12 (2013) 805-808 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Nutto, C.; Lagger, H.; Moseler, M., Partikelbasierte Simulationen abrasiver Prozesse; in Proc. of Neutrale Interessenvertretung der Anwender numerischer Simulationsmethoden NAFEMS Deutschsprachige Konferenz 2014. Berechnung und Simulation – Anwendungen, Entwicklungen, Trends; NAFEMS GmbH (Hrsg.); NAFEMS GmbH, Bernau am Chiemsee (2014) 198-201
Kieback, B.; Noethe, M.; Grupp, R.; Banhart, J.; Rasp, T.; Kraft, T.; Analysis of particle rolling and intrinsic rotations in copper powder during sintering; Journal of Materials Science 20/47 (2012) 7047-7055 Link
Nutto, C.; Bierwisch, C.; Lagger, H.; Moseler, M.; Towards simulations of abrasive flow machining; in Proc. of 7th International Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics European Research Interest Community SPHERIC Workshop; University of Manchester, Manchester, UK (2012) 29-31 Link
Rasp, T.; Jamin, C.; Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Guillon, O.; Shape distortion and delamination during constrained sintering of ceramic stripes: Discrete element simulations and experiments; Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95/2 (2012) 586-592 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Kübler, R.; Kleer, G.; Moseler, M.; Modelling of contact regimes in wire sawing with dissipative particle dynamics; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 369/1945 (2011) 2422-2430 Link
Breinlinger, T.; Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Simulation of particulate flows using coupled SPH and DEM simulations; Schriftenreihe Schiffbau 658, 6th International SPHERIC Workshop 2011; Rung, T.; Ullrich, C. (Eds.) Elbepartner Breitschuh & Kock GmbH, Hamburg (2011) 66-71 Link
Lagger, H.G.; Peguiron, J.; Bierwisch, C.; Moseler, M.; Magnetization models for particle-based simulations of magnetorheological fluids; in Proc. of IVth International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering; Papadrakakis, M.; Onate, E.; Schrefler, B.A. (Eds.) International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) Barcelona, Spain (2011) 1071-1082 Link
Polfer, P.; Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation of non-spherical particle suspensions; in Proc. of IVth International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering; Papadrakakis, M.; Onate, E.; Schrefler, B.A. (Eds.) International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) Barcelona, Spain (2011) Link
Wonisch, A.; Polfer, P.; Kraft, T.; Dellert, A.; Heunisch, A.; Roosen, A.; A comprehensive simulation scheme for tape casting: From flow behavior to anisotropy development; Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94/7 (2011) 2053-2060 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Simuliertes Matrizenfüllen; maschine+werkzeug 07/2010 (2010) 204–205 Link
Krause, G.; Kraft, T.; Wonisch, A.; Meier, S.; Gemetz, F.; Weber, R.; Schwanke, D.; Lang, A.; Pohlner, J.; Pönisch, C.; Geng, J.; Entwicklung und Anwendung numerischer Simulationsmethoden für den Siebdruck; System Integration in Electronic Packaging Vol. 12 - Entwicklung nanotechnologischer Siebbeschichtungen und daran angepasster Pastensysteme für den Fine-Line-Druck von keramischen Schaltungsträgern - Ergebnisbericht BMBF Verbundprojekt „nanoSieb“; Schwanke, D. (Hrsg.) Verlag Detert, Templin (2010) 47–63 Link
Wonisch, A.; Simulationsverfahren optimiert die Herstellung von Elektronikplatinen; Maschinenmarkt 4 (2010) 38-39 Link
Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Modelling thixotropy with SPH: Application to ceramic processing; in Proc: of 5th International SPHERIC SPH Workshop; Rogers, B. D. (Ed.) University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K. (2010) 305-309
Bierwisch, C.; Numerical simulations of granular flow and filling; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (2009) 145 Seiten (Dissertation) Link
Bierwisch, C.; Moseler, M.; Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Homogenisierung einer Pulverschüttung bei der Herstellung von Pulverpresslingen, Patent DE 10 2009 005 859 B3 (2009) Link
Bierwisch, C.; Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Moseler, M.; Die filling optimization using three-dimensional discrete element modeling; Powder Technology 196/2 (2009) 169-179 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Moseler, M.; Three-dimensional discrete element models for the granular statics and dynamics of powders in cavity filling; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57/1 (2009) 10-31 Link
Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C.; Riedel, H.; New advances in modeling powder metallurgical processing steps; in Proc. of 17th Plansee Seminar - International Conference on High Performance P/M; Sigl, L. S.; Rödhammer, P.; Wildner, H. (Eds.). Plansee Group, Reutte, Austria, 2009
Moseler, M.; Bierwisch, C.; Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Three-dimensional discrete element models for the granular statics and dynamics of powders; in Proc. of Third International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering COUPLED PROBLEMS 2009; Schrefler, B.; Oñate, E.; Papadrakakis, M. (Eds.). Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain (2009) Link
Schwanke, D.; Pohlner, J.; Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Geng, J.; Enhancement of fine line print resolution due to coating of screen fabrics; Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging 6/1 (2009) 13-19 Link
Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Effect of different particle size distributions on solid-state sintering; Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 /7 (2009) 1428-1434 Link
Wonisch, A.; Entwicklung und Anwendung partikelbasierter Simulationstechniken für die Modellierung von Umordnungseffekten und Anisotropieentwicklung in pulvertechnologischen Prozessen; Albert-Ludwigs Universität-Freiburg (2009) 147 Seiten (Dissertation) Link
Bierwisch, C.; Weber, B.; Kübler, R.; Moseler, M.; Kleer, G.; Contact regimes in the wire sawing process: Explicit 3D modeling of PEG/SiC slurry; in Proc. of 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, EU PVSEC 2008; Lincot, D. (Ed.) WIP-Renewable Energies, München (2008) 1104-1108 Link
Henrich, B.; Partikelbasierte Simulationsmethoden in Pulvertechnologie und Nanofluidik; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (2008) 118 Seiten (Dissertation) Link (PDF)
Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, B.; Lang, M.; Nebelung, M.; Simulation des Fließverhaltens von Pressgranulaten; Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis 24, Pulvermetallurgie: neue Anforderungen, neue Produkte, neue Verfahren : Vorträge und Ausstellerbeiträge des Hagener Symposiums 2008; Kolaska, H. (Hrsg.) Heimdall Verlag, Rheine (2008) 119-135 Link
Riedel, H.; Bierwisch, C.; Kraft, T.; Simulation der Herstellungsprozesse für Hartstoffe; Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis 24, Pulvermetallurgie: neue Anforderungen, neue Produkte, neue Verfahren : Vorträge und Ausstellerbeiträge des Hagener Symposiums 2008; Kolaska, H. (Hrsg.) Heimdall Verlag, Rheine (2008) 3-8 Link
Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Discrete element simulations of constrained ceramic powder sintering; Ceramic Forum International CFI, Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft 85/13 (2008) 18-23 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Moseler, M.; Predicting density distributions in die filling; in Proc. of International Powder Metallurgy Congress & Exhibition EURO PM 2007, Vol. 3; European Powder Metallurgy Association EPMA, Shrewsbury, UK (2007) 305-310 Link
Henrich, B.; Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Simulations of the influence of rearrangement during sintering; Acta Materialia 55/2 (2007) 753-762 Link
Kraft, T.; Wonisch, A.; Schmidt, I.; Riedel, H.; Neue Entwicklungen in der Simulation von Sintervorgängen; Fortschrittsberichte der DKG 21 (2007)
Wonisch, A.; Guillon, O.; Kraft, T.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Rödel, J.; Stress-induced anisotropy of sintering alumina: Discrete element modelling and experiments; Acta Materialia 55/17 (2007) 5187-5199 Link
Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Discrete element modeling of anisotropy development during constrained sintering of alumina; in Proc. of 10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, ECerS 2007; Heinrich, J.G. (Hrsg.) Göller Verlag, Baden Baden (2007) 136-140 Link
Riedel, H.; Wonisch, A.; Bierwisch, C.; Kraft, T.; Moseler, M.; Simulation von Prozessfolgen mit der Diskrete-Elemente-Methode; Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis 22, Pulvermetallurgie - Kompetenz und Perspektive : Vorträge des Hagener Symposiums; Kolaska, H. (Hrsg.) Heimdall Verlag, Witten (2006) 153-175 Link
Wonisch, A.; Korn, K.; Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Anisotropic liquid phase sintering investigated by means of micromechanical and discrete element modeling; in Proc. of Third International Conference Multiscale Materials Modeling MMM 2006; Gumbsch, P. (Hrsg.) Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart (2006) 578-581 Link
Wonisch, A.; Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Multi-scale simulations of rearrangement effects and anisotropic behavior during sintering; Advances in Science and Technology 45 (2006) 530-538 Link
Bierwisch, C.; Henrich, B.; Kraft, T.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; 3D-modeling of die filling; in Proc. of Euro PM 2005 Congress & Exhibition Vol. 3; European Powder Metallurgy Association EPMA, Shrewsbury, UK (2005) 331-337 Link
Kraft, T.; Henrich, B.; Bierwisch, C.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Modelling and simulation of processing steps in powder technology using particle dynamics; in Proc. of 16. International Plansee Seminar 2005 Vol. 2, Powder metallurgical high performance materials; Kneringer, G.; Rödhammer, P.; Wildner, H. (Hrsg.) Plansee AG; Reutte, Österreich (2005) 69-81 Link
Kraft, T.; Henrich, B.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Multi-scale modeling and simulation of sintering; in Proc. of 4th International Conference on Science, Technology and Applications of Sintering 2005; Bouvard, D. (Ed.) CNRS, Grenoble, France (2005) 220-223 Link
Schmidt, I.; Wonisch, A.; Henrich, B.; Moseler, M.; Riedel, H.; Computation of Macroscopic Yield Surfaces by Particle Methods; in Proc. of Euro PM 2005 Congress & Exhibition Vol. 3; European Powder Metallurgy Association EPMA, Shrewsbury, UK (2005) 363–368 Link